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Picture of the Day
November 4, 2023

spacer i was laying the last full row of tile in the kitchen when i heard hotrods
coming down the road way too fast. their enloudened exhausts were impossible to ignore and i looked up to see two sports
cars with racing paint blast past doing 40 or more in our 20mph pedestrian zone, followed quickly by a small pickup truck.
shit like this is infrequent, but i've done what i can to slow rallying clowns down--to no discernible effect. when it happens,
my thoughts turn to reeducation, pondering how to teach a lesson--maybe a photorealistic plywood cutout of a child
that pops up roadside, triggered by speeding? throw a little scare into them, reminder that anything can happen. i expected
them to turn around at the turnaround. most do, as the road ahead is paved for only another mile or two, but they didn't.
half an hour later, i heard sirens approaching, uncommon here. firetrucks, ambulance, and command vehicle all zipped by.
couple hours later, they doubled back, no lights or sirens so i figured maybe it was nothing after all. >>>