plugging away

Picture of the Day
yesterday | today | tomorrow

May 5, 1999

I saw my neighbor for the first time today. He was washing his window. He is older than I expected in this youthful neighborhood. I think he must have seen me too but we both feigned invisibility to preserve the illusion of privacy. I took his picture without looking as he lifted the glass with some difficulty into the tracks. The sun came out in time for lunch with Andrew and Jed at the Red Mill, counter girls mock crooning along with Bob Dylan, Eat the State free weekly by the door. We sat at Starbuck's green round sidewalk tables, figuring it was oK because after lunch we bought a couple of talls and there was only one restroom down a maze of corridors shared by both restaurants. 'Drew drove off on errands, Jed and I walked along Phinney Ridge back street with view of the olympics as friendly cats came meowing at us from under bushes and off of stoops. I found a playing card, 2nd time in 3 days — a 7 of diamonds to go with my 8 of spades, a possible straight or full house in the making. I'm waiting to see what hand fate's me dealing.