Getting There
Press Kit
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Link to Us
Who We Are

If every vehicle in Seattle were driven one mile less for one day we would keep 230 tons of carbon dioxide out of the air.

car-free fremont banner
Please place this banner on your website and link to http://www.thinksmall.org

Press Releases - Free to Print, Distribute, and Publish
  • August 28, 2001 - FREE Events & Activities Schedule [ .pdf | plain text ]
  • July 31, 2001 - Fremont Divorces Automobile for a Day [ .pdf | plain text ]
Promotional Materials - Be a Car Free Activist! Print and Distribute these Posters and Fliers

click for flier
Click for full-size Bikelove flier!

The Car Free Fremont 2-color poster available for pick-up at 112 35th St! Call 206-979-6771.

Or request yours by writing to sarah@gogoweb.com

Please help spread the word by printing and distributing the skateboarding Lenin handout. Click here for .pdf with 4 Lenins per page!

click me!

car-free fremont banner
Please place this banner on your website and link to http://www.thinksmall.org

"Everywhere were the great shells of beetles which men had made and worshipped.
They were automobiles. They had killed everything." -Kurt Vonnegut

Car Free Fremont is made possible by a grant from the City of Seattle CarSmart Communities Program