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July 26, 2010

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Mr. Angry Tooth
Chicago is telling me to take my time.

             In restaurants the food comes slow.

Some things are the same wherever you go.

The Edgewater neighborhood is
                         ethnically and
                         economic-ally mixed.

When a city is populated by immigrants,
                             it grows cosmopolitan.

Even so, there are signs of encroachment--
    the showroom of scale model condo complex
        with "mixed use" retail and services below.

Mixed use is what the neighborhood already was,
            do we need another bleached blonde
                                               boob job strip mall?

Yoga Now[!] and this painless periodontist,
                 where the accidental background
                    of spikes, fangs, and angry eyebrows
                       reveals a truth
                                       just beneath
                                                       the surface
                                              trying to claw
                                                             its way