groundzero.jpg;Steve Anderson's humble shack is ground zero for the weekend... staging.jpg;smack dab in the middle of the Solstice Parade staging area and host to that night's party with The Mu and Janeways playing... roadhog.jpg;In fitting Roadhog fashion, Frank Zucker's SUV disregards the NO PARKING signs... fly.jpg;Prettier than any SUV is Bugman Jason's fly ride... goddess.jpg;Steve Anderson & Crew's "Birth of Creativity" Goddess looks with approval on all human-powered transportation... props.jpg;Props to Steve for masterminding his team's 100% hand-crafted costumes and props... bellies.jpg;The Goddess's entourage comprised of something like 40 bellydancers, led by Delilah... guardians.jpg;...and a phalanx of Guardians... sprocketman.jpg; keep the likes of Sprocketman and his kilted sidekick at bay... utilikilts.jpg;And speaking of kilts, Steven and Megan were there to lead their hordes in a chant: downwithpants.jpg;DOWN WITH PANTS! UP WITH KILTS! hat.jpg;The Fremont Arts Council passed the hat to subsidize future events... petition.jpg;and a petition made the rounds, pleading for fewer cops... blackout.gif; carthedral.jpg;The next day started with an art car parade, featuring the frighteningly gorgeous goth CARthedral... rearwindow.jpg;with a spectral interior... sunroof.jpg;that must be lovely to wake up to. unstationary.jpg;Humbler vehicles also broke the fetters of the expected... steverides.jpg;Stationary Bicycle Liberation: Free at last from churning imaginary miles for the benefit of a mirror in the gym! scene.jpg;The party wore on, wearing a bit on good host Steve's nerves... bubbleman.jpg;whose worries disappeared when with a wave of his wand guests like bubbles simply drifted away... truetandem.jpg;Some departing on bikes which had never existed before... square.jpg;And a ghost ship plied the canal's waters, masts topping the upraised roadways of Fremont Drawbridge... canal.jpg;Finally, there was nothing left to do but watch the light play on the water, all the leaves sighing, the sun slowly dying... adieu.gif;